Junkhearts (2011) | Team Personality Map

Junkhearts (2011) - Movie

Junkhearts (2011) | Team Personality Map



Frank is an ex-soldier, haunted by a violent past. He lives alone, drowning his nightmares with alcohol. Christine - smart and successful... on the surface, tackles life as a single working mother by immersing herself in drugs, parties and sex. Lynette, a young rough sleeper watches Christine stumble out of a club whilst she sits in the cold waiting for loose change to fall on her lap; her luck seems to change when she meets Frank who despite his misgivings, offers her a place to stay.

What they bring to the party
Practical caring, detailed, factual, a planner, sees the downside, notices all the specifics of situations, people-centric uber doer, gets lots done, steady, quiet, methodical, serious, dedicated, deliverer.
Not their forte
More of a behind the scenes type, shy, doesn’t like the limelight, prefers the known, the ‘tried and tested,’ wary of change, sociable but very private, store of knowledge, great memory but not creative.
What they bring to the party
Caring, serious, driven by deeply held values, wants to change things for the better, perceptive, insightful, independent, up for the cause, ‘big picture,’ creative, idealistic, planning, follow through.
Not their forte
Difficult to know, complex, values-driven so needs to believe in a project or organisation, emotional but rarely show their emotions, intense, sensitive can get offended, can ignore ‘irrelevant’ facts.
What they bring to the party
Creative, friendly, caring, quick, impulsive, enthusiastic, energetic, brings people in, radical, love the new and the complex, curious, forward thinking, flexible, unconstrained, positive, helpful, happy.
Not their forte
Planning, organising, sitting still, need people around, sensitive, can get hurt, of the moment so may struggle to prioritise, needs stimulation, possibilities and the new, not detailed or factual, impatient.
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