Out of Jimmy's Head is a live-action/animated television series. It was Cartoon Network's second live-action/animated television series. It is based on the live-action/animated telefilm Re-Animated that aired on December 8, 2006. The show is a co-production by Brookwell McNamara Entertainment and Cartoon Network Studios. The series premiered on Cartoon Network on September 14, 2007, to coincide with the release of the Re-Animated movie on DVD. The show was the only show on the network to be affected by the 2007 Writers Guild of America strike. The series made its Canadian premiere on Teletoon on Saturday September 6, 2008. It also airs on Boomerang in Australia. The US run of the show ended with the airing of the show's final episode on May 29, 2008. Although promoted to be the "first live action/animated series on Cartoon Network", the show was not the first. The first was, in fact, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, which ran from 1994 to 2004; this was Cartoon Network's second original series overall, as well. In addition, Cartoon Network aired Big Bag, a collaboration of both live action and animation, co-produced by The Jim Henson Company and Cartoon Network.