The Attic Expeditions (2001) | Team Personality Map

The Attic Expeditions (2001) - Movie

The Attic Expeditions (2001) | Team Personality Map


His search for peace of mind... will leave his mind in pieces.


Trevor Blackburn is accused of murdering his girlfriend, Faith, in a brutal ritual. He's sentenced to live in an experimental rehabilitation community and falls into a coma. When he wakes up, he meets the mysterious Dr. Ek, who tortures Trevor in an attempt to learn the whereabouts of a powerful occult book. As other patients start to disappear, Trevor begins to wonder who and where he really is.

What they bring to the party
Verbally quick, creative and love intellectual pursuits and challenges, enthusiastic, bring something different, big picture thinker, creates possibilities and opportunities, curious, fun, communicative.
Not their forte
Dislike of facts and tradition, on the lookout for new possibilities, difficult to pin down, not a planner or organised, needs freedom to act their way, lacks attention to detail, competitive, needs ‘the feed.’
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