Building your Personal Brand around your Personality

Building your Personal Brand around your Personality

Personal branding has become a key part of personal development. Most of us now have a wide-ranging online presence; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, a personal website - and these each paint a picture of us as individuals and as professionals.

When building our personal brand it’s important to be authentic, not just because we’ll get found out if we’re not, but because we’re more likely to be happy and successful in areas in which we are strong. Part of our personal brand will be based on our skills and interests. For example, if you work in a technical field, such as a web developer, you might want to be seen socialising and blogging around new technology, programming, security and other web related areas. But all of this only paints half a picture. Our personality shows how we use our skills and interests, how we’re different from others, and maybe most importantly, why we do what we do.

Start with your Personality

Personality isn’t about good or bad, right or wrong, but more about contrasts and differences in the way we do things and interact. Using a tool such as the Personality Test can help us start to see ourselves as others may see us. If we are more of an Introvert, we may be seen as a deep thinker, someone who takes things seriously. Extraverts may be seen as more naturally charismatic and great at networking. This does not mean that if you’re an Introvert you’re not going to be charismatic, but you may want to focus on your natural strengths, as these will be far more powerful and genuine.

We don’t necessarily have to write a personal branding statement; it can all start with a realisation and awareness of we really are, and then we can weave it through our CV, social media profiles, and the way we introduce ourselves.  Think of your personality as a skill, or another tool in your tool belt. Are you good at helping others (even if you’re not a teacher)? Do you enjoy solving problems? Are you great at organising and getting things done? Are you flexible and quick at making decisions ‘on the hoof’? These aren’t things we’re taught or have certificates for, but they are things that drive us to enjoy what we do and be great at it.

Let us know your personal branding tips in the comments. How are you using your personality in your job? Does your personality fit well with what you do? Or perhaps not? We’d love to hear your views.