666 Park Avenue (2012) | Team Personality Map

666 Park Avenue (2012) - TV Show

666 Park Avenue (2012) | Team Personality Map


Evil has an address.


What would you do to have everything you desire? Step inside 666 Park Avenue, New York's most seductive address. We all have some burning needs, desires and ambitions. For the residents of The Drake, the premier apartment building on Manhattan's Upper East Side, these will all be met – for a price – courtesy of the building's mysterious owner, Gavin Doran. But be careful what you wish for, because the price you have to pay is your soul.

What they bring to the party
Duty-driven, cooperative, planning, organising, gets things done, factual and specific, conscientious, takes charge, caring, action oriented, tidy up loose ends, hardworking, responsible, value tradition.
Not their forte
Can be controlling in their need to support, can be sensitive to criticism, see things in ‘black and white,’ like to be liked and needed, wants to jump in immediately, not reflective, can resist change.
What they bring to the party
Confident, authoritative, takes charge, outgoing, energy, long range planner, relentless and driven, difficult to budge, big picture, drive for closure quickly, take tough decisions, break with tradition.
Not their forte
Going slow and steady, taking a back seat, not having a strong opinion, confrontational to get it moving, direct to the point of bone-jarring, needs the challenge of something new, need to lead.
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