Dealer/Healer (2017) | Team Personality Map

Dealer/Healer (2017) - Movie

Dealer/Healer (2017) | Team Personality Map



The movie is based on a true story about a repented gangster preaching the word of God and guiding his brotherhood to turn over a new leaf. Chen once was the leader of the famous gang "The 13 Tsz Wan Shan", he lost his family, lovers, brothers and finally ended up imprisoned for his drug abuse and trafficking. After jail, he devoted himself to save the lost fellows and was selected as "The JCI Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons". Being respected by the world, Chen is always asked to solve the most difficult situations between evil and good. People give him a nickname "The Fixer". However, there are two sides of a coin, Chen can work out any problem of others, but he does not know how to deal with his personal knot with his love, with whom he has had guilty conscience all his life. Can he fix it eventually?

What they bring to the party
Energy, enthusiasm, people skills, will jump in to help and support others, positive, loves a crisis smooth conflict, bring harmony, entertaining, practical, of the moment, great to be with, chatty, fun.
Not their forte
Dislike detail, planning and steady state, needs the freedom to act immediately, dislike rules and regulations, can struggle with prioritising, focused on the ‘here and now,’ impulsive, not time bound.
What they bring to the party
Verbally quick, creative and love intellectual pursuits and challenges, enthusiastic, bring something different, big picture thinker, creates possibilities and opportunities, curious, fun, communicative.
Not their forte
Dislike of facts and tradition, on the lookout for new possibilities, difficult to pin down, not a planner or organised, needs freedom to act their way, lacks attention to detail, competitive, needs ‘the feed.’
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