Gourmet Detective (2015) | Team Personality Map

Gourmet Detective (2015) - Movie

Gourmet Detective (2015) | Team Personality Map



Famed culinary consultant Henry Ross is a charming food industry insider in San Francisco. When suspicious sabotage ends in a shocking murder at his friend’s five-star restaurant, Henry is put on the case with strong-willed police detective and single mom, Maggie Price. Despite Maggie’s protests, they must work together to decipher the clues and investigate all of San Francisco’s top culinary pros.

What they bring to the party
Energy, enthusiasm, people skills, will jump in to help and support others, positive, loves a crisis smooth conflict, bring harmony, entertaining, practical, of the moment, great to be with, chatty, fun.
Not their forte
Dislike detail, planning and steady state, needs the freedom to act immediately, dislike rules and regulations, can struggle with prioritising, focused on the ‘here and now,’ impulsive, not time bound.
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