Hayabusa: The Long Voyage Home (2012) | Team Personality Map

Hayabusa: The Long Voyage Home (2012) - Movie

Hayabusa: The Long Voyage Home (2012) | Team Personality Map



In May 2003, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (or JAXA) launched an unmanned spacecraft of their own development to retrieve samples from an asteroid. Seven long years later, Hayabusa achieved its goal and was the first of any kind of craft launched from Earth to safely return samples of this kind to home base. The story was one of such great national pride for Japan, and in the wake of the tsunami and resulting tragedies in Japan it’s strong nationalistic message became the subject of no less than three rival films. Yukihiko Tsutsumi’s high-profile effort, simply titled Hayabusa (2011) starred the incomparable Toshiyuki Nishida. Most recently, Welcome Home, Hayabusa (2012) was released to Japanese audiences. Slipping in between those two was Hayabusa: The Long Voyage Home, concentrating on the people on the ground who helped return the probe safely.

What they bring to the party
Caring, serious, driven by deeply held values, wants to change things for the better, perceptive, insightful, independent, up for the cause, ‘big picture,’ creative, idealistic, planning, follow through.
Not their forte
Difficult to know, complex, values-driven so needs to believe in a project or organisation, emotional but rarely show their emotions, intense, sensitive can get offended, can ignore ‘irrelevant’ facts.
What they bring to the party
Confident, authoritative, takes charge, outgoing, energy, long range planner, relentless and driven, difficult to budge, big picture, drive for closure quickly, take tough decisions, break with tradition.
Not their forte
Going slow and steady, taking a back seat, not having a strong opinion, confrontational to get it moving, direct to the point of bone-jarring, needs the challenge of something new, need to lead.
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