Library Wars: Book Of Memories (2015) | Team Personality Map

Library Wars: Book Of Memories (2015) - Movie

Library Wars: Book Of Memories (2015) | Team Personality Map



Iku (Nana Eikura) joined the Library Defense Force after a member from that team retrieved an important book that was targeted for censorship. She is assigned to work under Atsushi’s (Junichi Okada) team. She endures Atsushi's harsh treatment and looks for the member who retrieved her book. She also finds herself becoming attracted to Atsushi. Iku meets female high school student Marie (Tao Tsuchiya) at the library. Maries has a hearing disability. She is also a childhood friend of Mikihisa (Kei Tanaka). Iku senses Marie’s strong feelings for Mikihisa. Asako (Chiaki Kuriyama) works as a clerk for the Library Task Force. She has frequent meetings with curator Shuji (Aoi Nakamura). This creates complicated feelings for Hikaru (Sota Fukushi). One day, Mikihisa is arrested because of a book he recommended to Marie. Official reason given is because the book is unsuitable for disabled people. The members of the Library Task Force are angered by Mikihisa's arrest.

What they bring to the party
Practical caring, detailed, factual, a planner, sees the downside, notices all the specifics of situations, people-centric uber doer, gets lots done, steady, quiet, methodical, serious, dedicated, deliverer.
Not their forte
More of a behind the scenes type, shy, doesn’t like the limelight, prefers the known, the ‘tried and tested,’ wary of change, sociable but very private, store of knowledge, great memory but not creative.
What they bring to the party
Practical problem solver, spontaneous, action oriented, no need to plan, loves a crisis and challenge, unfazed by pressure, great store of facts and knowledge, robust, immerse themselves, cool head.
Not their forte
Planning, steady state, chitchat, terse, economic communication when they’re in the zone, often don’t understand their impact big-picture thinking, anything woolly or emotional, difficult to read, blunt.
What they bring to the party
Creating and maintaining harmony, intensely caring, loyal, dutiful, sensitive, empathetic, insightful, future-oriented, optimistic, positive, prefer possibilities to facts, quietly supportive, values-driven.
Not their forte
Shy so not the centre of attention, complex and difficult to know, can want to maintain harmony at all costs, need meaning in tasks, not detailed or a planner, looks forward rather then ‘here and now.’
What they bring to the party
Energy, enthusiasm, people skills, will jump in to help and support others, positive, loves a crisis smooth conflict, bring harmony, entertaining, practical, of the moment, great to be with, chatty, fun.
Not their forte
Dislike detail, planning and steady state, needs the freedom to act immediately, dislike rules and regulations, can struggle with prioritising, focused on the ‘here and now,’ impulsive, not time bound.
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