Never Let Me Go (2016) | Team Personality Map

Never Let Me Go (2016) - TV Show

Never Let Me Go (2016) | Team Personality Map



30-year-old Kyoko has a "job". The story starts with her looking back 20 years to her boarding school of Yoko Gakuen in the mountains. Tomohiko, Miwa, and Kyoko are all in the same grade. Inspired by the educational philosophy of the principal - Emiko, teacher Tatsuko joins the boarding school staff, but soon finds the school rather strange...

What they bring to the party
Deep and independent thinkers, loves a challenge and complex problems, imaginative, creative, long range planning, future-oriented, logical, detached, curious, high standards, love improving things.
Not their forte
Cool detached thinkers, difficult to read, emotions often don’t ‘compute’ so can appear blunt/harsh, get bored by repetition, needs challenge and stimulation, more big picture than factual, theoretical.
What they bring to the party
Creative, friendly, caring, quick, impulsive, enthusiastic, energetic, brings people in, radical, love the new and the complex, curious, forward thinking, flexible, unconstrained, positive, helpful, happy.
Not their forte
Planning, organising, sitting still, need people around, sensitive, can get hurt, of the moment so may struggle to prioritise, needs stimulation, possibilities and the new, not detailed or factual, impatient.
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