Oishii Man (2009) | Team Personality Map

Oishii Man (2009) - Movie

Oishii Man (2009) | Team Personality Map



Once a promising musician, Hyeon-seok has been living as a commoner after he found the symptom of Meniere’s syndrome. He had to stop playing music because his ears distorted sounds into noise. To run away from reality and depression he heads to Japan. Arriving at Monbetsu, a small city in Hokkaido, Japan, he meets Megumi at the train station, the local travel guide. Staying at ‘Megumi Inn’, they get to share emotions through music, natural sounds and having meals together.

What they bring to the party
Practical caring, detailed, factual, a planner, sees the downside, notices all the specifics of situations, people-centric uber doer, gets lots done, steady, quiet, methodical, serious, dedicated, deliverer.
Not their forte
More of a behind the scenes type, shy, doesn’t like the limelight, prefers the known, the ‘tried and tested,’ wary of change, sociable but very private, store of knowledge, great memory but not creative.
What they bring to the party
Caring, the ‘glue’ for the team, great at reading situations, genuinely tunes into people, quiet, introspective but at the heart of what’s going on, laid back, flexible, patient, kindly, creative, artistic.
Not their forte
Dislike conflict or fast-paced environments with no time to reflect, don’t like to upset people so may passively agree, difficult to know, behind the scenes, not a planner or organised, lives for the moment.
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