Rasathanthram (2006) | Team Personality Map

Rasathanthram (2006) - Movie

Rasathanthram (2006) | Team Personality Map



Rasathanthram tells the story of Premachandaran(Mohanlal)  who is a carpenter with a few secrets and lives along with his father Balan Master(Bharath Gopi) and works along with his friend Manikandan (Innocent). They are now working in a house near the house of a rich landlord. Kanmani (Meera Jasmine), who was sold by her mother works in that house as a servant and is ill-treated.One night, Premachandran goes to his workplace to take his tools. He sees Kanmani moving out of the house and gets puzzled. He follows her. She was on the verge on committing suicide. he decides to save her from the hell and promises her a job somewhere far away.But the police are looking for her everywhere and he had to hide her somehow. That is when they chance upon the idea of disguising her as a man. Kanmani fall in love with Premachandran but he doesn’t reciprocate—she couldn’t understand why

What they bring to the party
Planning, organisation, factual, steady, dedicated, persistent, responsible, detailed, logical, conscientious, hard-working, drive to get things done, ties up the loose ends, tireless, serious.
Not their forte
Being the life and soul, getting close to them, concepts and big-picture thinking, spontaneity, dealing with emotions, dealing with the new, being chucked in at the deep end, constant communication.
What they bring to the party
Deep and independent thinkers, loves a challenge and complex problems, imaginative, creative, long range planning, future-oriented, logical, detached, curious, high standards, love improving things.
Not their forte
Cool detached thinkers, difficult to read, emotions often don’t ‘compute’ so can appear blunt/harsh, get bored by repetition, needs challenge and stimulation, more big picture than factual, theoretical.
What they bring to the party
Creative, friendly, caring, quick, impulsive, enthusiastic, energetic, brings people in, radical, love the new and the complex, curious, forward thinking, flexible, unconstrained, positive, helpful, happy.
Not their forte
Planning, organising, sitting still, need people around, sensitive, can get hurt, of the moment so may struggle to prioritise, needs stimulation, possibilities and the new, not detailed or factual, impatient.
What they bring to the party
Organised, planning, sorting out people problems, helpful, caring, positive, dependable, likeable, dutiful, committed, hard-working, at the heart of the team, the glue, energetic, enthusiastic.
Not their forte
Can give too much and neglect their own needs, sensitive so can get offended, can try too hard to create harmony, can be overly subjective and lack harder edge, desire to finish can mean controlling.
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