Sans elle... (2003) | Team Personality Map

Sans elle... (2003) - Movie

Sans elle... (2003) | Team Personality Map



Johnny, aged 20, can't live without Fanfan, his twin sister. There is a very particular intimacy between them. They walk together everywhere, share the same room, the same tastes, the same bike, the same camping tent. But also a conflict principle sets in. Oppressed by his overbearing need, she decides to head for the south of Portugal, the country of their parents. His dreams are shattered; he feels deeply betrayed by his sister. Caught between his father who is preparing to retire to Portugal and his mother who refuses to leave France, he tries to work out his own identity. His passion for rock music gets him involved with his sister's former lover. By following this charismatic leader preaching dubious ideology, he risks losing his "gentle half" forever. Meanwhile in Portugal, she becomes disillusioned. Will they manage to grow up without each other?

What they bring to the party
Energy, enthusiasm, people skills, will jump in to help and support others, positive, loves a crisis smooth conflict, bring harmony, entertaining, practical, of the moment, great to be with, chatty, fun.
Not their forte
Dislike detail, planning and steady state, needs the freedom to act immediately, dislike rules and regulations, can struggle with prioritising, focused on the ‘here and now,’ impulsive, not time bound.
What they bring to the party
Organised, planning, sorting out people problems, helpful, caring, positive, dependable, likeable, dutiful, committed, hard-working, at the heart of the team, the glue, energetic, enthusiastic.
Not their forte
Can give too much and neglect their own needs, sensitive so can get offended, can try too hard to create harmony, can be overly subjective and lack harder edge, desire to finish can mean controlling.
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