SD GUNDAM WORLD HEROES (2021) | Team Personality Map


SD GUNDAM WORLD HEROES (2021) | Team Personality Map



The balance of the worlds is maintained by heroes. Suddenly, a red-hot meteor falls upon one of these worlds, called Neo World. An amnesiac youth named Wukong Impulse Gundam appears at the point where it landed. The chaos that starts with this incident spreads through the other worlds, one after another. At the same time, Zhuge Liang Freedom Gundam learns via astrology of an impending disaster. He and his sworn friend Liu Bei Unicorn Gundam take action to save the worlds from this crisis, and begin a journey along with Wukong. What will Wukong Impulse Gundam think as he meets the heroes of each world? Will this youth bring about peace or catastrophe? Now begins a new story of heroes!

What they bring to the party
Caring, serious, driven by deeply held values, wants to change things for the better, perceptive, insightful, independent, up for the cause, ‘big picture,’ creative, idealistic, planning, follow through.
Not their forte
Difficult to know, complex, values-driven so needs to believe in a project or organisation, emotional but rarely show their emotions, intense, sensitive can get offended, can ignore ‘irrelevant’ facts.
What they bring to the party
Duty-driven, cooperative, planning, organising, gets things done, factual and specific, conscientious, takes charge, caring, action oriented, tidy up loose ends, hardworking, responsible, value tradition.
Not their forte
Can be controlling in their need to support, can be sensitive to criticism, see things in ‘black and white,’ like to be liked and needed, wants to jump in immediately, not reflective, can resist change.
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