Thank God (2022) | Team Personality Map

Thank God (2022) - Movie

Thank God (2022) | Team Personality Map


The Game of Life


An egoistic real estate broker in huge debts, meets with an accident. As he gains consciousness, he realizes that he is in heaven. God appears before him and informs him that he must play a 'Game of Life'. If he manages to win, he will be sent back to earth; if he loses, he will be sent to hell.

What they bring to the party
Practical problem solver, spontaneous, action oriented, no need to plan, loves a crisis and challenge, unfazed by pressure, great store of facts and knowledge, robust, immerse themselves, cool head.
Not their forte
Planning, steady state, chitchat, terse, economic communication when they’re in the zone, often don’t understand their impact big-picture thinking, anything woolly or emotional, difficult to read, blunt.
What they bring to the party
Creating and maintaining harmony, intensely caring, loyal, dutiful, sensitive, empathetic, insightful, future-oriented, optimistic, positive, prefer possibilities to facts, quietly supportive, values-driven.
Not their forte
Shy so not the centre of attention, complex and difficult to know, can want to maintain harmony at all costs, need meaning in tasks, not detailed or a planner, looks forward rather then ‘here and now.’
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