The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn as a Typical Nobody (2022) | Team Personality Map

The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn as a Typical Nobody (2022) - TV Show

The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn as a Typical Nobody (2022) | Team Personality Map



In his past life, he was known as Demon Lord Varvatos, an all-powerful magic user and ruler. But he was lonely after the loss of his friends and loved ones during his rise to power, so in his dying moments, Varvatos cast a reincarnation spell so that he'd get a second chance at just being a normal guy. At first it looks like that's going to work – he's reborn thousands of years later as villager Ard. Unfortunately for him, his memories are still intact and he's not aware just how much has been lost over the time he spent not existing, and it looks like that's going to cost him his normal life.

What they bring to the party
Caring, serious, driven by deeply held values, wants to change things for the better, perceptive, insightful, independent, up for the cause, ‘big picture,’ creative, idealistic, planning, follow through.
Not their forte
Difficult to know, complex, values-driven so needs to believe in a project or organisation, emotional but rarely show their emotions, intense, sensitive can get offended, can ignore ‘irrelevant’ facts.
What they bring to the party
Caring, the ‘glue’ for the team, great at reading situations, genuinely tunes into people, quiet, introspective but at the heart of what’s going on, laid back, flexible, patient, kindly, creative, artistic.
Not their forte
Dislike conflict or fast-paced environments with no time to reflect, don’t like to upset people so may passively agree, difficult to know, behind the scenes, not a planner or organised, lives for the moment.
What they bring to the party
Creative, friendly, caring, quick, impulsive, enthusiastic, energetic, brings people in, radical, love the new and the complex, curious, forward thinking, flexible, unconstrained, positive, helpful, happy.
Not their forte
Planning, organising, sitting still, need people around, sensitive, can get hurt, of the moment so may struggle to prioritise, needs stimulation, possibilities and the new, not detailed or factual, impatient.
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