The Jungle (2023) | Team Personality Map

The Jungle (2023) - TV Show

The Jungle (2023) | Team Personality Map



Rendezvous is the name of a secret bar located somewhere in Thonglor. It's the gathering place of The Jungle, a group of good-looking young men often out on the hunt. They don't love and don't form attachments. Hunter is Rendezvous's feared bartender. Lead by leader lion Pine are jaguar Phethai, viper Nannam, tiger Nanfah, wolf Nathee and tarantula Hack.

What they bring to the party
Deep and independent thinkers, loves a challenge and complex problems, imaginative, creative, long range planning, future-oriented, logical, detached, curious, high standards, love improving things.
Not their forte
Cool detached thinkers, difficult to read, emotions often don’t ‘compute’ so can appear blunt/harsh, get bored by repetition, needs challenge and stimulation, more big picture than factual, theoretical.
What they bring to the party
Sociable, love the craic, practical, happy to jump in and do without thought or planning, adventurous, loves a challenge and a crisis, problem-solver, enthusiastic and energising, driven by interest, sociable.
Not their forte
Steady state and stasis, planning, anything laborious, working alone, anything conceptual or creative, needs interest and stimulation, wants new experiences constantly, struggles to reflect or sit still.
What they bring to the party
Verbally quick, creative and love intellectual pursuits and challenges, enthusiastic, bring something different, big picture thinker, creates possibilities and opportunities, curious, fun, communicative.
Not their forte
Dislike of facts and tradition, on the lookout for new possibilities, difficult to pin down, not a planner or organised, needs freedom to act their way, lacks attention to detail, competitive, needs ‘the feed.’
What they bring to the party
Built to manage, create a plan, marshal the troops and drive for closure, brings clarity and order, strong work ethic, determined, detailed, factual, process-driven, traditional, brings discipline.
Not their forte
New initiatives, they prefer the ‘tried and tested,’ ‘let’s just see’ would irritate them, they need a plan, clear communicator but can be very blunt, competitive, need to control, not creative or ideas driven.
What they bring to the party
Duty-driven, cooperative, planning, organising, gets things done, factual and specific, conscientious, takes charge, caring, action oriented, tidy up loose ends, hardworking, responsible, value tradition.
Not their forte
Can be controlling in their need to support, can be sensitive to criticism, see things in ‘black and white,’ like to be liked and needed, wants to jump in immediately, not reflective, can resist change.
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