The Legend of ShenLi (2024) | Team Personality Map

The Legend of ShenLi (2024) - TV Show

The Legend of ShenLi (2024) | Team Personality Map



The ancient gods died, and there is only one last god in the world - Xingzhi. Rumor has it that this God of Action has lived alone in the heavens for tens of thousands of years, ruthless and lustless. In the battle of the immortals and demons, he turned the tide by himself, and since then, Du Men has been swept away, and his traces are hard to find. Hundreds of years are just a click away. As the queen who was born with a pearl in the devil world, Shen Li's life was bright and dazzling. But on the occasion of her thousand-year-old birthday, the claws of political marriage were scratching their heads. On the way to escape from the marriage, Shen Li was beaten back to the original form of a phoenix and fell to the world with injuries. When she was seriously injured and comatose, the mortal hawker treated her as a fat chicken, plucked all the hair from her body, and locked her in a cage for sale. The fate of the two is tightly linked by a seemingly casual transaction.

What they bring to the party
Practical caring, detailed, factual, a planner, sees the downside, notices all the specifics of situations, people-centric uber doer, gets lots done, steady, quiet, methodical, serious, dedicated, deliverer.
Not their forte
More of a behind the scenes type, shy, doesn’t like the limelight, prefers the known, the ‘tried and tested,’ wary of change, sociable but very private, store of knowledge, great memory but not creative.
What they bring to the party
Creative, friendly, caring, quick, impulsive, enthusiastic, energetic, brings people in, radical, love the new and the complex, curious, forward thinking, flexible, unconstrained, positive, helpful, happy.
Not their forte
Planning, organising, sitting still, need people around, sensitive, can get hurt, of the moment so may struggle to prioritise, needs stimulation, possibilities and the new, not detailed or factual, impatient.
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