Too Far to Go (1979) | Team Personality Map

Too Far to Go (1979) - Movie

Too Far to Go (1979) | Team Personality Map



Love and passion, anger and heartbreak, laughter and happiness, all complex textures woven into the fabric so many have come to know as marriage. For behind the seemingly comfortable well-trimmed hedges of suburban Americana, live and often love, Richard and Joan Maple. Adapted from a series of stories appearing in the New Yorker Magazine over a period of twenty three years by Pulitzer Prize winning author John Updike ("The Witches of Eastwick", "Rabbit Run"), "Too Far To Go" garnered overwhelming critical praise in its theatrical debut. With its exceptional cast, this film envelops us in a poignant, sometimes funny, sometimes exasperating journey through this most important relationship.

What they bring to the party
Extremely independent, love big complex problems to immerse in, intellectually curious, flexible, very high standards, works in sporadic bursts of energy, capable of ground-breaking ideas, logical.
Not their forte
Get bored by routine, the mundane or ‘mere’ details, independent and economic so can be difficult to know, dislike chitchat, not a planner, logical, non-emotional, extremly direct, dislike ambiguity.
What they bring to the party
Sociable, love the craic, practical, happy to jump in and do without thought or planning, adventurous, loves a challenge and a crisis, problem-solver, enthusiastic and energising, driven by interest, sociable.
Not their forte
Steady state and stasis, planning, anything laborious, working alone, anything conceptual or creative, needs interest and stimulation, wants new experiences constantly, struggles to reflect or sit still.
What they bring to the party
Duty-driven, cooperative, planning, organising, gets things done, factual and specific, conscientious, takes charge, caring, action oriented, tidy up loose ends, hardworking, responsible, value tradition.
Not their forte
Can be controlling in their need to support, can be sensitive to criticism, see things in ‘black and white,’ like to be liked and needed, wants to jump in immediately, not reflective, can resist change.
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