Ultra Warrior (1990) | Team Personality Map

Ultra Warrior (1990) - Movie

Ultra Warrior (1990) | Team Personality Map


The last great warrior on planet earth


After the nuclear holocaust, one man rises from the ashes to become the leader of a ragged gang of survivors. They soon discover that their greatest challenge is yet to come; they must fight a battle for the ages against the evil minions of The Bishop.

What they bring to the party
Caring, serious, driven by deeply held values, wants to change things for the better, perceptive, insightful, independent, up for the cause, ‘big picture,’ creative, idealistic, planning, follow through.
Not their forte
Difficult to know, complex, values-driven so needs to believe in a project or organisation, emotional but rarely show their emotions, intense, sensitive can get offended, can ignore ‘irrelevant’ facts.
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