What Do You Really Do About Love? (2022) | Team Personality Map

What Do You Really Do About Love? (2022) - TV Show

What Do You Really Do About Love? (2022) | Team Personality Map



Sakurazawa Jun is 27 years old and excels in her job, is fashionable, has many hobbies and lives a very fulfilled life. Her life is driven by her primary motto "love is just a waste of time!" and she has no experience in romantic relationships or with men. Before her appears Nagamine Shuma, an incredibly handsome chef in training who knows exactly what women want to hear and feel. He's someone who lives in the moment, lets people come and go, is cool and not serious about love. For some reason, Shuma is intrigued by Jun and decides to approach her...

What they bring to the party
Caring, the ‘glue’ for the team, great at reading situations, genuinely tunes into people, quiet, introspective but at the heart of what’s going on, laid back, flexible, patient, kindly, creative, artistic.
Not their forte
Dislike conflict or fast-paced environments with no time to reflect, don’t like to upset people so may passively agree, difficult to know, behind the scenes, not a planner or organised, lives for the moment.
What they bring to the party
Extremely independent, love big complex problems to immerse in, intellectually curious, flexible, very high standards, works in sporadic bursts of energy, capable of ground-breaking ideas, logical.
Not their forte
Get bored by routine, the mundane or ‘mere’ details, independent and economic so can be difficult to know, dislike chitchat, not a planner, logical, non-emotional, extremly direct, dislike ambiguity.
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