Alfonso Herrera

The Coach


Alfonso Herrera Personality Profile

Alfonso Herrera Personalaity profile - enfj

Alfonso Herrera Rodríguez (n. 28 de agosto de 1983) es un actor mexicano. Ex integrante del grupo RBD.En el mes de septiembre de 2009 anunció que se retiró del mundo de la música para dedicarse a la actuaciónActor mexicano que inició su carrera en el teatro con obras como "Las brujas de Salem", "Cómo matar a un ruiseñor" y "Antígona", pero fue hasta su participación en la película "Amarte Duele" de Fernando Sariñana del 2002,3 que consiguió notoriedad en el ambiente artístico.Luego de su participación en el cine, el productor Pedro Damián le dio la oportunidad para interpretar el papel de "Juan David" en la telenovela Clase 406, después de terminar dicho proyecto, trabajó nuevamente con el mismo productor, en esta ocasión para la telenovela Rebelde, en la que daba vida a "Miguel Arango", lo que permitió crear la banda RBD, integrada, además de él, por Anahí, Dulce María, Maite Perroni, Christopher Uckermann y Christian Chávez, sus compañeros de telenovela.Al terminar Rebelde, iniciaron las grabaciones del programa "RBD: La familia", el cual narra, de forma ficticia, la vida de los integrantes de la banda.A mediados de 2008, RBD anuncia su separación y su gira "del adiós", después de cuatro años de éxito, en octubre, lanzaron el disco con sus mejores éxitos.Tras la confesión de su compañero de grupo Christian Chávez al declararse homosexual, Alfonso Herrera declaró que su amigo cuenta con su apoyo, "ya que la sexualidad no hace a un hombre, sino sus ideas".[cita requerida]En su tiempo libre, le gusta practicar deportes como fútbol, capoeira y ski acuático, le gusta mucho el cine, por lo que uno de sus pasatiempos es ver películas, las cuales acostumbra coleccionar.En marzo de 2008, regresó a sus inicios al integrarse al elenco de la puesta en escena "Pillow Man", con un papel pequeño para no interferir con las presentaciones de RBD.4 En septiembre protagoniza la primera temporada de la serie Terminales,5 junto a Ana Claudia Talancón. En diciembre regresó al cine para protagonizar la comedia romántica Volverte a ver,6 de los creadores deCansada de besar sapos.Le prestó su voz a Igor, el personaje central de la cinta de animación del mismo nombre producida por The Weinstein Company, que se estrenará en septiembre de 2009 bajo la distribución de Videocine.7 8En el 2009 trabajó en las series Tiempo final9 en el episodido "El billete" el cual salió al aire el 13 de octubre de 200910 y Mujeres asesinas.El 11 de marzo de 2009 viajó a Colombia para protagonizar un capítulo de la tercera temporada de la serie de TV, Tiempo final. En abril protagoniza el episodio llamado "Soledad, cautiva" de la segunda temporada de Mujeres asesinas junto a Angelique Boyer y Roberto Ballesteros.11El 27 de julio de ese mismo año, inició un papel protagónico en la telenovela de Rosy Ocampo llamada Camaleones, en la que compartió créditos con Belinda.12En septiembre de 2009 se estrenó de la película venezolana Venezzia en la que trabaja junto a las actrices venezolanas Ruddy Rodríguez y Johanna Morales.13En abril de 2010 participó en el juego especial de futbol entre famosos y ex integrantes de la selección nacional de Estados Unidos para MTV llamado Rock N' Gol.14En julio de 2010 inicia el rodaje de la película La suerte esta echada dirigida por Juan Carlos de Llaca15 y debuta como conductor de AXN Film Festival 2010.

Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging

The ENFJ personality type is the action-oriented, people-centred character looking for and making connections between people. They are excellent glue for the team, assuming control and making sure that everything is planned, scheduled and organised, and that people are happy. They are excellent networkers who tune into what others want and are well-liked and popular among their colleagues. They have an innate sense of what is required and can genuinely make others feel really special. Consummate planners and organisers, they can juggle masses of activities and tasks at any one time, rarely dropping the ball and making sure each activity is given the right amount of attention and loving care.

Alfonso Herrera Characteristics

The ENFJ personality type is the people organiser, warm, harmonious and an enthusiastic champion of people who just wants to ‘do good.’ They make sure the needs of the people are paramount and taken care of, then they will want to plan and get on with it. They can generally be found at the emotional heart of a group or body and will be the one making sure things get done. Like the ENTJ, they excel at getting on and doing but with a much more people, as well as task focus, but with no less energy, commitment or vigour. Articulate and confident the ENFJ will be persuasive and tenacious; the one voted the leader or committee chairperson. They will look for and make connections between people, be excellent glue for the team, everyone knows they can depend on the ENFJ. An ENFJ will use their considerable energies and enthusiasm to make things happen and these characteristics are infectious and can be excellent at creating a feeling of 'team' and keeping morale high.

The ENFJ personality type has high drive, bundles of energy and a commitment to ‘the cause,’ (whatever that cause is) which borders on the evangelical. Their energy levels increase the more people they have to meet and the more activities they have to arrange. Consummate planners and organisers, they can juggle masses of activities and tasks at any one time, rarely dropping the ball and making sure each activity is given the right amount of attention and loving care. This desire to ‘get it done’ can at times mean that the ENFJ becomes inflexible and a ‘controlling parent’ in their desire to ‘finish what we’ve started.’ Under such pressure they can lose their sense of balance and perspective but will ultimately bounce back because that is just what the ENFJ is built for.

An ENFJ will use their considerable energies and enthusiasm to make things happen and these characteristics are infectious and can be excellent at creating a feeling of 'team' and keeping morale high.

As ‘Thinking’ is their weaker function, the ENFJ may suffer at times from being overly subjective and lacking a cooler, slightly more dispassionate eye on people and situations. This also means the ENFJ may bite off more that they can chew as their first priority is to say ‘yes’ and take the pain away for others. During such times the ENFJ may feel weighed down by the amount of work to which they have committed and so may see themselves as ‘victim,’ feeling overwhelmed and underappreciated. They want to please and make sure things run like clockwork and when others let them down the ENFJ can be very disappointed. This desire to ‘do good’ can also mean that the ENFJ sees pleasing others as far more important than pleasing themselves and so they may run the risk of trading off honesty for harmony, keeping the peace rather than telling it like it is. At times they may also rely too much on their intuitive understanding of individuals, thus failing to make logical, empirical decisions based on objective facts and evidence, and the ENFJ may see good where none exists. Their 'N' perspective also means that the ENFJ may fail to see the smaller 'facts,' focusing instead on 'global harmony.' This would see the ENFJ move too quickly and make decisions based on a scant amount of facts. Their sensitivity can also work two ways. Sure, the ENFJ will be sensitive to the needs of others but this sensitivity can mean the ENFJ is overly reactive to perceived criticism of them. In these instances, the ENFJ may become self-indulgent and feel that their good intentions are being undervalued; but only until they are needed again.

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