Daniel Howell

The Confidant


Daniel Howell Personality Profile

Daniel Howell Personalaity profile - infj

Daniel ("Dan") James Howell (born June 11 1991) is a British vlogger and radio personality who is best known for his YouTube Channel "danisnotonfire".

Howell went to the University of Manchester in 2010 to study law, but dropped out in order to pursue video blogging as a profession. Howell has lived with best friend and fellow YouTuber Phil Lester since August 2011, and the pair moved to London together in July 2012.

On 26 March 2015, Howell and Lester announced they had co-written a book through a trailer on his channel called The Amazing Book Is Not on Fire (TABINOF). It was released in the UK on 8 October 2015 and worldwide on 15 October 2015. The book topped the General Hardbacks Sunday Times Bestsellers list having sold 26,745 copies in the UK in the first week of its release. It also became a #1 New York Times Bestseller in the young adult hardcover list.

In the same trailer the pair announced their theatrical stage show The Amazing Tour Is Not on Fire (TATINOF) which travelled around the UK during October and November 2015, ending at the London Palladium. On 22 April 2016 they are took the tour to the US which began at Playlist Live in Orlando, Florida and ended on 24 June 2016 at the Dolby in Hollywood, CA. It was the largest tour ever by YouTube creators. They're also touring in Australia in August 2016 starting in Perth and ending in Brisbane.

On 24 June 2016 they announced The Amazing Tour Is Not on Fire is to be released as a YouTube Originals film along with a making of documentary. Both films will be released on October 5th, 2016. They are the first British YouTube creators to release content on the YouTube Red platform. Alongside this in November 2016 they are releasing a photobook named Dan and Phil Go Outside which includes a personal collection of candid photos and insightful stories from their tour.

Following a hiatus from YouTube, in June 2019 Howell came out as queer and gay in a video uploaded on his channel; he also said that he doesn't "feel the need to use labels." In September 2020, Howell announced his first solo publication, You Will Get Through This Night.[59] Written in conjunction with psychologist Dr Heather Bolton, the book is "A practical guide to taking control of your mental health for today, tomorrow, and the days after." The book was released 18 May 2021 under the HQ and Dey Street Books imprints of HarperCollins. source: Wikipedia

Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging

Although gentle, and preferring to be out of the limelight, the INFJ personality type will work long and hard behind the scenes to maintain harmony but they are also intensely independent, of both of thought and spirit, and will be outspoken in their defence of human values, the downtrodden, and the oppressed. Earnest and responsible INFJs often see themselves on a mission, and they take their missions very seriously. The views of the INFJ are very personal, built up over a long time and so anything which may be perceived as questioning their values may be dealt with in an unusually direct way, surprising those who saw only the quiet INFJ.

Daniel Howell Characteristics

The INFJ is the rarest of Jungian types and as such is in many ways the most enigmatic, difficult to know and difficult to understand. So, people can often read the INFJ wrongly. Serious minded and caring, values are just so important to the INFJ whose word is not just a bond but tied in with who they are intrinsically as people. Integrity is the watchword and they will be excellent listeners, patient, supportive and with a strong desire to ‘do the right thing.’ Their perceptiveness means that others will ‘open up’ and they are often the catalyst for making things better. Although quite gentle and preferring to be out of the limelight, the INFJ will work long and hard behind the scenes to maintain harmony. But they are also intensely independent - both of thought and spirit - and will be outspoken in their defence of human values. An INFJ's values have been honed over some time, deep within their own heads, and they may not be happy to share these. This can make it difficult to get close and may mean that other people see them as a bit strange or quirky. The INFJ would not see the need to alter this view and will generally work quietly until a value is contravened. The problem is that INFJs are so complex, individualistic and un-forthcoming, that the other person may not realise that some value or deeply held belief has been transgressed and be quite surprised how sharply the INFJ can react and how outspoken, assertive and stubborn they can suddenly and uncharacteristically become. This is because the INFJ is sensitive, in both directions, outwardly to the needs of others and inwardly.

An INFJ's values have been honed over some time, deep within their own heads, and they may not be happy to share these.

The INFJ may be so committed to the cause that other issues take a poor second place. The introvert side means that so much internal processing and reflection goes on but once the course of action has been agreed others, who perhaps perceived a quiet inactive individual, may be surprised by just how decisive, energetic and single-minded the INFJ is. The responsible, serious nature of the INFJ means that they may have to learn to ‘lighten up’ as devotion can take its toll in missing out on the more fun and less intense moments life occasionally throws up. INFJs can make inspiring leaders, (as followers will believe in them and want to ‘sign up’) and have a devotion to the cause that borders on evangelical and certainly those following will have a crystal-clear vision of how it could be.

Like the INTJ, the INFJ has the ability to understand complex processes and systems but the INFJ will use these primarily to understand people, and make things happen for them. Even though they are likely to project to others as quite shy, and certainly quiet, INFJs have a keen interest in others and will work hard and behind-the-scenes to achieve their goals. Never over-exuberant or gushing, trust would take quite some time to build with INFJs, as they do not readily share their emotions with other people. The INFJ likes complexity and theorising, providing the subject-matter is not about them. They value respect, both for themselves and for others, and will only be really forthcoming when hurt or when talking through some complex issue. Those who are campaigners, (many INFJs adopt such roles), are there because they believe in the cause, rather than for personal glory or political power. Astute readers of people, they are naturally suspicious about others' motives. They are friendly and sympathetic, but highly selective about their friends, as to them friendship is something not to be taken lightly so getting emotionally close to an INFJ would take some time - if ever. INFJs are an unusual combination of idealist and go-getter, and so they will have strongly thought through views, and a desire and ability to make it happen.

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