Jesse Lee Peterson

The Supervisor


Jesse Lee Peterson Personality Profile

Jesse Lee Peterson Personalaity profile - estj

Jesse Lee Peterson, born May 22 in 1949, is an American radio and TV host and political commentator. He is also the president of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND) since 1991. Prior to entering political commentary, he was a small business owner after moving to California from his native Alabama. Peterson was born in Midway, Alabama, and raised in Comer Hill, Alabama, by his grandparents, who worked on the Comer family plantation where his great-grandparents had been enslaved a century earlier. His mother and father moved to Gary, Indiana, and East Chicago, Indiana, respectively, where they separately started new families of their own. He was born with a cleft palate that was not repaired until his teens. Peterson lived with his mother and stepfather in Gary as a teenager, briefly attending Edison High School. He then returned to Alabama and graduated from high school before moving to Los Angeles. Peterson has stated he attended Los Angeles City College for one year. He started his own janitorial service in 1989 and founded BOND, a non-profit religious group geared towards young black men, in 1991. Now the Christian group is geared toward men of all colors. Peterson is a member of Choose Black America, an organization of African Americans who oppose illegal immigration to the United States. Jesse Lee Peterson established an annual "National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson" event, which lasted from 1999 to 2004, and which was held outside Jackson's offices in Los Angeles. Peterson once called for the resignation of Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele, saying he was not conservative enough but that Republicans were afraid of firing a black man. He revealed in a video, released on March 5, 2012, his belief that "one of the greatest mistakes America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote." Peterson also believes that "children's souls yearn for the souls of their natural mother and natural father, especially the father". Peterson has described Nelson Mandela as an “evil man” and said that South African people were better under apartheid. He also believes that, especially white people, are afraid to speak on that, though the evidence seems clear, and that the general public is sold a false narritive. On July 2, 2018, Peterson announced he would celebrate "White History Month" each year in July in honor of patriotic white Americans. He calls the Black Lives Matter movement a "hate group," and warns that "hatred and suspicion" toward white Americans would cause the United States to become "like South Africa". Jesse Lee Peterson published four books, namely 'From Rage to Responsibility: Black Conservative Jesse Lee Peterson and America Today' in 2000, 'SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America' in 2004, 'The Seven Guaranteed Steps to Spiritual, Family and Financial Success' in 2007, and 'The ANTIDOTE: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood' in 2015. His Jesse Lee Peterson show is live Monday to Friday on his website and YouTube channel.

Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging

ESTJ personality types are the pragmatic organisers, they like to get things done and done properly. They have little time for anything ethereal, woolly or conceptual preferring facts, figures, plans and procedures. These are the action-oriented characters who cut to the car chase and move quickly to completion, taking the least circuitous route, A-Z no deviation. The strength of the ESTJ is the desire, and ability, to adopt a decisive stance, take charge and get the job done which makes them 'natural' leaders whom others will readily follow.

Jesse Lee Peterson Characteristics

ESTJs are built to project manage, which is why they are often found in Operations type roles, quickly weighing up the situation, setting targets and marshalling the resources to make sure the job is done - on time and within budget. The ESTJ has a strong work ethic and this includes loyalty to the cause - whatever that cause is. This desire to get things done may mean that they ignore the niceties, the softer issues as they tend not to be so well-tuned in to how other people are feeling. There is a strong competitive edge to the ESTJ, and a need to assume control and this can often make it difficult for others to deflect them from their chosen course of action. The ESTJ simply wants to get on and get things done. Formal and structured the ESTJ works best when everyone is clear as to the ground-rules, (the ESTJ will happily create them if they are lacking). Practical planners, ESTJs are factual, accurate, detailed and process driven the ESTJ will bring order, structure and focus to their environment.

Their ability to jump in and take charge can, however, become a weakness as the ESTJ will follow the traditional, tried-and-tested route, and may want to dive in quickly, get their hands dirty and ignore the advice of those who may want to reflect or try a different approach. This can mean the ESTJ will be traditional and often quite conservative in their approach, preferring the known to experimenting or trying a more novel, creative approach so they may not always adapt well to change, and indeed if pushed hard can make formidable opponents to any new order. For the ESTJ change must make logical sense and ‘if it ain’t broke then why fix it?’ ESTJs thrive on order and continuity. ESTJs are traditional and hierarchical, they exude work ethic. Power, position and prestige should be worked for and earned. Laziness is viewed with scorn and the credo is ‘If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!’

Practical planners, ESTJs are factual, accurate, detailed and process driven the ESTJ will bring order, structure and focus to their environment.

The desire to ‘do’ can also make the ESTJ very present focused and so they may not necessarily appreciate how such present actions may impinge on the future nor do they excel at predicting or anticipating future trends or forecasting as they are keen to make quick decisions and are built to get to closure as quickly as possible in order to get the job done. So, the ESTJ may rush in without stopping to consider the full range of options open as their prime focus will be to get on with it and as such they may be difficult to budge. They plan with logic and objectivity, relying on empirical evidence and data rather than emotions. If something needs to be planned, organised followed-through then the ESTJ is the person to do it.

ESTJs are factual, accurate, detailed and process driven the ESTJ will bring order, structure and focus to their environment. Being extraverted, their focus involves organisation of people, tasks, processes, etc which all translates into “management.” While ENTJs enjoy organising and mobilising people according to their own ideas, ESTJs are content to enforce ‘the rules,’ often dictated by tradition or handed down from a higher authority, if a job needs to be done, (‘done’ being the operative word), then leave it to an ESTJ. The extravert side also means they will have little trouble letting everyone know exactly where they stand. They tend to dislike sloppiness or mess and engender order and discipline within projects, teams and situations. Emotional arguments or pleading won’t work as only hard facts and logical reasoning ‘compute’ with the ESTJ.

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